Remembering TedXVail 2017

Remembering TedXVail 2017
The most powerful weapon on Earth is the human mind Xploding with a freshly connected new idea. Like a soul on fire, the synchronicity of TEDxVail will rock you into a quantum of leaping ah-ha’s, spiraling into another orbit of impact-shaping interactivities. In all the polarization, with “the other” retreating from low information choosers, in all this hate, find love, sweet human; allow dance in “R”evolution. Welcome, Revolutionaries

Session 1: Worlds Seldom Seen

Sharpen your senses. Be primed and ready. Defy gravity. Go where you don’t belong. Don’t believe in limits. Leave your mind behind. Rare, behind the scenes vistas of “Worlds Seldom Seen” lead you to sweet, tender bridges of evolutions again and again reimagined. Proofed, with your own eyes, your own heart, your own mind. You’ll take an inside slideout approach. This is what EPIC looks like. This is what ah-ha feels like. Who’s up? Britten, Artist-in Residence, TEDxVail 2017 John Quigley, HUMAN AERIAL POINTILIST Dominique Sire, XPERTIENTIAL EMOTION COACH Suzanne Simard: How trees talk to each other  

Session 2: Radicals & Rebels

For a fully (adiant) evolution, for backstory engineers: Life is all about getting the goods. When a great day hits, they are there. Everybody has a back story. Sometimes heading out of bounds takes us farther than we intended to go: whether it’s to an unXplored zone, a higher elevation or a new perspective. Had a life-altering moment in the backcountry? Send it their way…to the artist wild about creativity, to the diabetes activist, to the unconventional woman worker, or to the round-the-world-do-gooder. Stand up for and with them as these forces of nature say, “Yes, on creativity.” They didn’t invent evolution – they just made it – a wild ride any renegade could take. Who’s evolution might move you? Amory Lovins, COFOUNDER, CHIEF SCIENTIST AND CHAIRMAN EMERITUS, Rocky Mountain Institute, ENERGY EFFICIENCIST Elizabeth Howe, SENIOR DIRECTOR, VAIL MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS, Vail Resorts ROMAN MARS Yesmeen Scamahorn, LOVER OF LIVES Betsy Ray, DIABETES ADVO-ACTIVIST Doron Gazit, ENVIRONMENTAL ARTIST AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER Roman Mars: Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you’ve never noticed  

Session 3: Dynamic Failure

Ideas may be too radical and multiple failures may have followed. But it is in the getting up that resilience and strength of these ideas and storytellers are revealed. You’ll hear from students, educators, an adventurer, a soldier, a human resource expert and a collaborative artist. When people stand together with this boldness, turning Dynamic Failures around yields treasures beyond measure. Surprise, these are not political talks nor religious talks, but certainly the evolution of these storytellers will release fresh thinking your way. Who’s failing faster to fill you up with fabulous ideas? Alex Woodward, SINGER/SONGWRITER/AUTHOR/LETTER COMPILER Roshan Bliss, NATIONAL COALITION FOR DIALOGUE & DELIBERATION YOUTH ENGAGER Lance Richards. AVON, COLORADO HUMAN RESOURCERER Jon Kedrowski, MOUNTAIN GEOGRAPHER, SKI-MOUNTAINEER, ALPINIST, AUTHOR, ADVENTURER Charles Orgbon III, GREENING FORWARDER Chris Ullman, DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS, THE CARLYLE GROUP, 4-TIME WORLD WHISTLING CHAMPION James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email “The Edge…there is no honest way to Xplain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Hunter S. Thompson.

Session 4: Divided We Fall

When injustice becomes law, evolution becomes duty. You’ll Xperience “otherness” and it’s impact from an author, a student, an immigration attorney, and an immigrant. To accomplish Xtraordinary feats, there must be a vision: an unshakable idea that will set the foundation for a future that benefits not just the few, but the many. This type of thinking is now needed more than ever as humanity moves from adolescent to adulthood. Resist assimilation, erradication, and implosion. We are not the first; we will not be the last migrants to this continent.”What happens when Humanity’s lost its way?” Take the road less traveled, it leads to evolution, on the well-worn and beaten path. See it. Get it. Do it. Action! Scale spectacularly. Where does your equitible evolution reside? Mark Gerzon, FOUNDER, THE MEDITATION CENTER, AUTHOR Leezia Dahlla: IMMIGRANT REPORTER Sheryl Winarick, TED’s IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY & DECENT HUMAN Ryan Lupberger, CLEANCULT SOCIAL VENTURER Monica Araya: A small country with big ideas to get rid of fossil fuels Radicals & Rebels After Party 9:30pm – 11:59pm March the renegade in you over to an undisclosed location to our private party. Here’s your chance to have that radical conversation with your favorite TEDxVail Speaker. Chat with them about your fresh synthesis of what you’ve just heard. Or gather your tribe to take serious action on an idea you just can not let go of. They’ll love listening to you and music. This is always a highlight and not to be missed. Plan on parking below in the Bear Lot for the day (save $35). Jump on the Beaver Creek Shuttle to return safely to your car. at the end of the night. Dress mountain casual. Warm socks suggested. You’ll be walking to the location. Your personal evolution awaits. Compelling voices and stories, real and raw talent, new ideas that actually serve or delight an audience, TEDxVail links meaning and ballast. These are things that matter in the next evolution. In four sessions you’ll travel from Dynamic Failure to Global Movement Making. As you can never Xplain light to a blind man, participants will find they are Xperiencing that life moves on. Whether you choose to move on and take a chance on the unknown, or flexibly flow these fresh connections, or stay behind, locked in the past, thinking of what could have been, the evolution moves on. We build this “R”evolution together, We call upon you, all of you, especially the sensual you. Enlivening senses…connect our community as a whole, tech demo, experiment in radical, urgent progress, “R”evolutionary change-worth noting and nurturing, TEDxVail will be what we make it. We began with a rough sketch and a Beatle’s lyric. While packing up the thousands of glass pieces of “Wheat” and “Rain” from the set of TEDxVail2016, this year’s Artist in Residence, Britten, and TEDxVail Founder Kat Haber lit up with the vibe of the next iteration theme for TEDxVail2017 hearing “talking about a re-vo-lu-tion”…and bingo “R”evolution become this year’s organizing principle. Where are the “R”evolutionary edges of our speakers/performers/team? To place these ideas before you, all at once, humbly, boldly, welcome to TEDxVail! Together, we have set up a context for you to participate in and co-create an art showcase/fashion show/community workshop/tech demo/concert/skilled dramatic co-performance/challenge/call to action/impact maker space/reveal/awakening. There is no taboo. Limited only by our willingness to be “R”evolutionary in response, place no boundary on your authentic, reasoned, radical listening for fresh connection, networking a future you can believe in.

Welcome to “R”evolution!

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