Kat Haber

Kat Haber

Hey there! Kat Haber here, meow!


I get to 💃through life as a climate action strategist, TEDx Organizer and world ☮️advocate.

♻️I help influencers and their networks identify climate solutions to incorporate into their lives in fun ways.

What I do:

💥 A Climate Reality Leader/mentor in Chicago since 2013.
👣 Activist: walked across the country (USA) in the Great March for Climate Action from LA to DC from March to November in 2014 and was arrested on November 4, 2014 protesting the rubber-stamping of fracking infrastructure at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission HQ in DC.
☮️ Promotor of World Peace as the Charter president of the virtual global WE Rotary International Peace Club in 2014, planting HEIWA Rotary Hiroshima Survivor Peace Trees. 💚✅
⛷️ Competed in the 1988 Calgary Olympics in aerial freestyle skiing. Special trick: a quadruple daffy (4 splits 75 feet in the air). 🏅🇺🇸
🏴‍☠️ A mentor with Moonshot Pirates & World Pulse. 🏳️‍🌈
❤️ Inspiring teens and young professionals for world wilderness conservation, serving on the WILD Foundation Board of Directors for 15 years. 💥🦋🐅🐸
🕒 In 2020 lockdown, I curated & produced 28 COUNTDOWN COVID Clues, Climate Acts, Local Impacts online conversations with elders, youth, indigenous, Xperts, CEO’s, NGO execs. 🇺🇸
💜 TEDxVail Organizer since 2009. The top talk has racked up 2.5million views (and counting)!
🌞 Affinity rep alluring recreationalists to see clearly with HaberVision.com sunglasses and goggles. ⛷️

Handy links:
💡TEDxVail Follow @TEDxVail on IG & Twitter & Facebook & YouTube & TED.com – all our TEDx talks are on YouTube / TED.com 💃☮️ Great March for Climate Action

📲 DM me on LinkedIn & Facebook

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